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Personal injury victims and a disability grant

By May 2, 2018November 12th, 2021No Comments
disability grant

If you have been severely injured in an accident and can no longer work, you may qualify for a disability grant. Disability social grants are available to those with physical, mental, psychiatric, intellectual and sensory incapacities. In order to qualify for a disability grant, applicants must have a diagnosed medical condition that reduces their ability to function in their everyday life and diminishes their chances of gaining work.

What is a social grant?

The purpose of a social grant is to provide social development, protection and welfare services that protect a country’s citizens against vulnerability and poverty within the constitutional and legislative framework. In South Africa, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is responsible for the administration of seven social grants, namely

  1. Child Support Grant
  2. Older Person’s Grant
  3. Disability Grant
  4. Grant-in-Aid
  5. Care Dependency Grant
  6. War Veteran’s Grant
  7. Foster Child Grant

Who qualifies for a social grant?

In order to qualify for this grant you must:

  • Be a South African citizen, permanent resident or a refugee currently living in South Africa.
  • Be between the age of 18 and 59 years.
  • Be found medically unfit for work by a medical officer because of a mental or physical disability.
  • Undergo a financial “means test”. This is the process in which the value of your declared assets and income is assessed. You will only be eligible for a grant if your income and assets fall below a certain threshold. This figure varies depending on your personal circumstances such as your marital status and age. Depending on the Agency’s findings the amount you receive for your grant may not necessarily be the maximum amount offered by SASSA.

How do I apply for a disability grant?

You need to have proof of the following:

  • A South African bar-coded identity document
  • A medical report stating that you are disabled and can’t work
  • Proof of your relationship status. If you are:
    • Single – you will need an affidavit stating this fact
    • Married – you will need to provide your marriage certificate
    • Divorced – you will need to produce divorce papers
    • Deserted – you will need an affidavit if your spouse has left you for more than three consecutive months
    • Widowed ¬– you will need to provide a death certificate for your late spouse. If your partner died within the last 5 years, a copy of the will and the first and final liquidation and distribution accounts.
  • If you are employed you will need a wage certificate. If you are unemployed you will need to provide a UIF record of registration, a discharge certificate from your former employer or an affidavit stating that you are unemployed
  • If you have a private pension you need to furnish proof of the pension
  • If you have a bank account, you will need to show a bank statement of three consecutive months.
  • You will also need proof of any other income that you may receive and assets you own.

Grant renewal

The disability grant is available on a permanent or temporary basis for between six and twelve months. Should your temporary grant expire – and you are still unable to return to work – you will need to reapply for the grant. Similarly, SASSA has the right to review a permanent grant in order to assess whether or not its recipient is still disabled.

Speak to your personal injury attorney before you apply

Depending on your circumstances your personal injury attorney will advise you as to whether or not you qualify to apply for a South African Security Agency (SASSA) disability grant or a Workman’s Compensation Claim (WCC) and will help you navigate the applications process.

Adendorff Attorneys excel at personal injury claims and specialise in Road Accident Fund Claims. Book your free consultation with this Cape Town-based firm today.