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Always going the extra mile for our clients

By June 28, 2018July 11th, 2019No Comments
motor vehicle assist

Over the years Adendorff Attorneys has earned an impressive reputation for courtroom success and securing millions of rands in compensation for our clients. But key to our victories is our commitment to making sure that each client’s personal injury is our top priority. One of the ways in which we do this is via our Motor Vehicle Assist (MVA) service. So important is this team’s offering that we have recently added a new car to our fleet and welcomed a new driver, Michael Botha.

Together Samantha, James, Owen, Kevin and now Michael, coordinate and manage the transportation requirements of each client with regards to the medico legal appointments, court appearances and consultations, that are essential to the success of each and every matter.

Team MVA has not only shown dedication on the road, with the safety of all passengers concerned to be of primary importance, but also a dedication to the well being of each and every client and the highest service standards.

So what is it that motivates this warm-hearted team? If we had to sum up it up in a single word, we would have to say: ‘compassion’.