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Personal Injury

Information your lawyer will need

By October 11, 2018May 16th, 2019No Comments
personal injury claim

To help your personal injury attorney get a clear picture of your personal injury matter he or she will need as much information about the accident and your injuries as possible. To speed up the process, take the following documents with you to your first meeting:

The name and contact information of the:

  • emergency service (e.g. ambulance) that took you from the scene of the incident to the hospital
  • emergency facility that first treated you
  • specialists who were involved in your treatment
  • any and all individuals who had any part in the incident
  • anyone who might have seen what happened.

What information is important in proving my claim?

  • The police officer’s report of the incident and reference number.
  • The time sheets or payroll records showing any time lost from your place of work as a result of your injuries, hospitalisation, recovery time, doctor’s appointments, or other related needs.
  • If relevant, your vehicle insurance paperwork including proof of insurance and the policy itself.
  • Invoices from the hospitals, doctors, trauma centres or other facilities and personnel who were involved in your treatment.

Remember: Too much information is better than too little. Even if you don’t think something is important, write it down or keep a copy. Often small pieces of evidence can help to win a case. And it goes without saying: always be honest, thorough and comprehensive when providing information to your attorney about your case.

Book your free consultation today. We work on a no win, no fee basis.